We welcome all the readers to the 3rd edition of our newsletter. The EU-funded FRONTIER project promises to bring driverless cars, cutting-edge traffic management and reduced transport emissions to Europe's citizens. Visit the website here: www.frontier-project.eu |
A new vision of transportA new vision of transport is emerging in Europe. A greater choice of transport options, self-driving cars, shared car rides, more eco-friendly vehicles, combined transport options (multimodality), and a much more integrated transport model overall promises to make the continent a global leader in the field. In a world where the population is growing and increased transport can negatively affect climate change, traffic management will play a very crucial role in overcoming transport-related risks and challenges. Against this backdrop, the EU-funded FRONTIER project, which was launched on 1 May 2021, brings together 19 high-profile partners from all over Europe, namely Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK, to empower a seamless transition to a new era in transport management. |
Discover FRONTIERFRONTIER aims to provide the network and integrated traffic management strategies of the future. It is taking into account new types of transport-automated vehicles that promise to minimise pollution and capacity bottlenecks, reduce accidents, and decrease the cost of mobility for all users (citizens, public authorities and businesses). FRONTIER is facilitating the transition towards resilient multimodal autonomous mobility by establishing the processes of collaboration and arbitration among stakeholders. It is developing the business models that will address the commercial viability of the identified solutions. FRONTIER will develop, apply and test autonomous management systems, based on advanced designs, that will constantly evolve using data generated from real-time monitoring of the transport system. This includes knowledge generated by operators and decision makers, as well as simulation models and solutions that will lead to new mobility services and technologies. |
| The FRONTIER Nudge Do you often wish you had access to the information about delays and events on motorways and public transport while you are travelling on a specific corridor? This is what FRONTIER is aiming for: a traffic management system that consists of AI tools that support the implementation of automated applications across all actors involved, with proactive decision support methodologies and tools and a “personalised nudge engine” that will generate recommendations and nudges and will communicate them to travellers to assist them in their travel. |
| Integrated optimal control actions for multi-lane motorway networks Motorway congestion has plagued numerous highly populated cities all over the world. This situation in transportation management is characterized by significant delays, slower speeds, and exhausted congestion phenomena, typically appearing due to changes in the motorway infrastructure (e.g., a lane-drop, a merging lane, a tunnel, or a bridge). |
| Oxfordshire Multimodality Trail Phase 1 Oxfordshire County Council, one of the FRONTIER project partners, is one of the pilot locations for the Mulitmodality and CAV Trails. The focus of the Oxfordshire Multimodality Pilot will be to explore how the technology developed by Frontier can be used to address congestion at a continually challenging location in Oxford. |
| The New FRONTIER Era ANTME platform, through its library of contingency plans and capability of processing real-time information, is expected to critically contribute to the successful management of adverse events in Attica. |
| Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis as part of FRONTIER project In the transport sector, consistent decision-making requires a structured and systematic evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of different choice possibilities. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) provides a framework for structuring decision problems and provides a set of methods for generating preferences among alternatives. |
The FRONTIER consortium successfully completed the 1st interim review on December 14th, 2022. The meeting was held virtually and was moderated by the project’s coordinator Ms. Fanny Breuil Aymami (Fundacio EURECAT). The interim review was focused on capturing the latest results and project progress regarding the 1st reporting period (M1 - M18).
Apart from the very interesting presentations of the main achievements the meeting was full of fruitful discussions and valuable suggestions for the technical aspects and issues of the project as well as recommendations for the next months. The review meeting had great success as the Project Officer provided the consortium with positive feedback about the overall progress so far. |
FRONTIER has built strong synergies with research and innovation projects in the same area aiming to share knowledge and experience by participating in common research activities. FRONTIER participates in the 4FRONT Cluster, which is composed of four European Horizon 2020 projects enabling network and traffic management for future mobility: DIT4TraM, ORCHESTRA and TANGENT. The 4FRONT cluster coordinates activities together, including panel discussions, webinars, workshops, joint sessions in the major Transport and Mobility events. FRONTIER has also joined forces with other five Horizon 2020 projects (SHOW, PASCAL, SPROUT, AVENUE and HARMONY) working in the field of Automated and Integrated Transport forming the AutoMate Cluster. The cluster is supported by the European Commission’s Horizon Results Booster programme. On the top of the joint activities with the 4FRONT and AutoMate Clusters, FRONTIER co-organised two sessions in the TRA2022 Conference that took place in Lisbon, Portugal between 14 – 17 November 2022. During both sessions, the attendees had the opportunity to listen to great presentations and participate in fruitful discussions with the panelists regarding the future of the network and traffic management. Next stop – the ITS European Congress 2023 in Lisbon! In the next issues, we will provide you with more interesting developments from each Cluster. Stay tuned! |
The FRONTIER project and its latest achievements have been presented during a session on Technology for leveraging the traffic management of the future co-organised with the 4FRONT Cluster H2020 projects at the 15th ITS European Congress that took place on 22-24 May in Lisbon, Portugal. The session explored how new technologies can tackle societal, operational, business and governance challenges and opportunities. Topics included systems engineering, resilience, trustworthiness, data sharing, governance, user behaviour and acceptance, multimodality and upscaling. The goal was to show the way towards efficient network and traffic management across networks and modes.
The FRONTIER TeamFRONTIER is bringing together partners from five universities and research institutes, nine companies, and five transport authorities from all over Europe, namely Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK, to empower a seamless transition towards a new era in transport management. This consortium boasts a multidisciplinary team of academics, traffic and transport operators, local authorities, traffic management companies, intelligent transport systems and autonomous vehicle solutions. It includes partners from several universities and research institutes, as well as companies, organisations and authorities in transport, infrastructure and information technology providers.
| This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°955317 |
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