We welcome all the readers to the 5th edition of our newsletter. The EU-funded FRONTIER project promises to bring driverless cars, cutting-edge traffic management and reduced transport emissions to Europe's citizens. Visit the website here: www.frontier-project.eu |
A new vision of transportA new vision of transport is emerging in Europe. A greater choice of transport options, self-driving cars, shared car rides, more eco-friendly vehicles, combined transport options (multimodality), and a much more integrated transport model overall promises to make the continent a global leader in the field. In a world where the population is growing and increased transport can negatively affect climate change, traffic management will play a very crucial role in overcoming transport-related risks and challenges. Against this backdrop, the EU-funded FRONTIER project, which was launched on 1 May 2021, brings together 19 high-profile partners from all over Europe, namely Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK, to empower a seamless transition to a new era in transport management. |
Discover FRONTIERFRONTIER aims to provide the network and integrated traffic management strategies of the future. It is taking into account new types of transport-automated vehicles that promise to minimise pollution and capacity bottlenecks, reduce accidents, and decrease the cost of mobility for all users (citizens, public authorities and businesses). FRONTIER is facilitating the transition towards resilient multimodal autonomous mobility by establishing the processes of collaboration and arbitration among stakeholders. It is developing the business models that will address the commercial viability of the identified solutions. FRONTIER will develop, apply and test autonomous management systems, based on advanced designs, that will constantly evolve using data generated from real-time monitoring of the transport system. This includes knowledge generated by operators and decision makers, as well as simulation models and solutions that will lead to new mobility services and technologies. |
| Data, simulation and much more The ‘data fever’ of the last few decades has undeniably led to great advances in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. We’ve seen a paradigm shift from automating processes to extracting insights from data—usually very large amounts of data. The transport modeling sector has been no exception to this trend, and we have seen a marked shift to data-driven (and hybrid) solutions. Is the era of full automation closer than ever? Or on the contrary, we can use recent advances for better real-time and long-term decision making and planning? |
| Synchromodality: how FRONTIER can help the modal shift in freight transport The transport sector is the largest polluting industry, responsible for 25.8% of the total EU-27 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2019. Moreover, it is the only sector that has failed to reduce GHG emissions over the past two decades. Road transport (passengers and freight) is responsible for the vast majority of these emissions. The shift from road to alternative modes (i.e., rail and inland waterways) is a priority area of action. |
The AutoMATE Cluster, supported by the EC Horizon Results Booster, has issued the common policy recommendation document, that is aimed to support policy makers and accelerate the process of integration of CAVs or other innovative mobility services into the transport system while pointing out potential effects of this integration. The Policy Brief titled "Revolutionising urban mobility by making transport smarter, greener and more integrated thanks to Connected and Automated Vehicles" is available here. AutoMate is a collaboration of six following Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe automated mobility projects: FRONTIER, SHOW, SPROUT, PASCAL, HARMONY and ULTIMO (earlier: AVENUE). |
FRONTIER will participate in the session dedicated to the 4FRONT Cluster in this year's RTR Conference taking place on February 5-7, 2024 in Brussels. In the Parallel Session on "Network and traffic management for future mobility", taking place on 5th February 14:00-16:00 CET, FRONTIER will present its latest developments and results. The RTR Conference is a unique entry point into the achievement of EU-funded Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects in road transport. The projects will showcase their results, the expected impacts, and the next research steps that are in essential areas for road transport: Green Vehicles, Urban Mobility, Logistics, Intelligent Transport Systems, Safety, Automated Road Transport. The conference will deliver a holistic view of how the European research scene is moving forward in these fields, bringing benefits to the environment, economy, and European society overall. More about the Conference can be found on the event's page: https://rtrconference.eu/ |
FRONTIER proudly participated in the Urban Mobility Days 2023! The Urban Mobility Days conference series provides the ideal opportunity to network, debate key issues, and exchange ideas on emerging transport trends and technologies, the latest developments in sustainable urban mobility planning, and solutions to make mobility in cities and towns more sustainable. Having a specific focus on transport skills, the Urban Mobility Days 2023 took place in Seville, Spain from 4-6 October. The event was organised together with the upcoming Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU. The conference combined two leading events from Europe’s transport calendar: the CIVITAS Forum and the former European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). FRONTIER was presented by its coordinating party, EURECAT, at the Pitch session on 6th October. The project also shared a booth with the 4FRONT Cluster projects at the event's exhibition. We also showed our brand-new video, featuring the FRONTIER's latest achievements and our Pilots' innovations. Our partners were happy to explain our work and update on the current progress to multiple visitors of the stand! More about the event: https://transport.ec.europa.eu/urbanmobilitydays_en |
FRONTIER has been presented at the International Conference ITS 2023 “Intelligent Systems and Consciousness Society” by our partner Attikes Diadromes S.A. The event was organised by the University of Patras and ITS Hellas and took place on 2-3 November 2023 in the Conference and Cultural Center of the University of Patras, Greece. The Conference gathered experts from industry, public organizations, local government and authorities, universities, as well as researchers, consultants, constructors, and freelancers to exchange views on arising problems and solutions related to transportation infrastructure and networks. More information about the event is available at http://conference2023.upatras.gr/ |
FRONTIER is proud to have co-organised a tutorial on Data-driven techniques on incident detection for freeways at the 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITSC 2023 (24-28 September 2023 Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain). The ITSC 2023 is the annual flagship conference sponsored by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. IEEE ITSC 2023 welcomes articles and presentations in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems, conveying new developments in theory, analytical and numerical simulation and modeling, experimentation, advanced deployment and case studies. ITSC 2023 particularly invites and encourages prospective authors to share their work, findings, perspectives and developments as related to implementation and deployment of advanced ITS applications. The tutorial co-organised by TANGENT and FRONTIER EU-funded projects gave the participants, through a hands-on exercise, an opportunity to understand and contribute to the challenges related to freeway mobility and improving transport resilience. More information about the tutorial is available at https://2023.ieee-itsc.org/accepted-tutorials/. Visit the IEEE ITSC 2023 website: https://2023.ieee-itsc.org/ |
The FRONTIER TeamFRONTIER is bringing together partners from five universities and research institutes, nine companies, and five transport authorities from all over Europe, namely Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK, to empower a seamless transition towards a new era in transport management. This consortium boasts a multidisciplinary team of academics, traffic and transport operators, local authorities, traffic management companies, intelligent transport systems and autonomous vehicle solutions. It includes partners from several universities and research institutes, as well as companies, organisations and authorities in transport, infrastructure and information technology providers.
| This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°955317 |
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